Members’ Events

Upcoming Events

An evening with Jen Stout & Stuart Paver: Wednesday 24th July

Join Member Stuart Paver as he talks about his expeditions taking medical equipment and humanitarian relief direct to Ukraine. Jen Stout will also talk about her experiences.  Jen is a journalist who had been working in Russia prior to the start of the war but soon found herself helping volunteers on the border and recording the stories of those fleeing Ukraine.
Jen has recently published book; Night Train to Odesa which has been BBC Radio 4’s Book of the week and has been receiving critical acclaim. Jen will be joining Stuart Paver to discuss the book and conflict and all members are invited to join them. There will be an opportunity, but no obligation, to buy the book on the evening.
This is a free event, but in order to gauge numbers Members are requested to indicate attendance using the link below.  Please bring family and friends to what promises to be a fascinating evening.  There will be wine and nibbles with Members asked to make a donation to help cover the cost.  Timings are 7pm for 7.30pm.


Venison Feast – Friday 1st November

The Venison Feast will take place on Friday 1st November 2024. Each ticket, inclusive of champagne, wines and dinner, will cost £95. The Feast will start at  6.45pm with a champagne reception in the Undercroft. Dinner will start promptly at 7.30pm with carriages at10.45pm.


If you wish to attend the Venison Feast, please click the link here. To avoid confusion, we cannot accept any returns via email or phone. The closing date is Friday 26th July. 


Following the closure date, places will be allocated to Ordinary Members and then to those Members requesting a private professional guest. In the event of demand for guests outstripping availability, a ballot system will be used prioritising members who did not bring a guest to the previous Venison Feast in 2023.


Members will be informed of the allocation of a guest place by email no later than Thursday 1st August and request for payment along with names and dietary requirements will be made at that time. A reserve list will be in operation should any cancellation present an availability.


An Invitation in the form of a ‘pour memoir’ will be sent to any Member who has a private guest for them to forward to their guest. Reducing costs, these cards will not be sent to Members but would be available for collection if requested.